Resource StructureDefinition/FHIR Server from package de.gematik.epa.audit#1.0.5-ballot.1 (141 ms)
Resources that use this resource
Resources that this resource uses
"resourceType" : "StructureDefinition",
"id" : "epa-auditevent",
"url" : "",
"version" : "1.0.5",
"name" : "EPAAuditEvent",
"title" : "AuditEvent for the ePA",
"status" : "draft",
"experimental" : false,
"date" : "2025-02-14",
"publisher" : "gematik GmbH",
"description" : "Defines the data structure for audit events in the ePA system.",
"fhirVersion" : "4.0.1",
"kind" : "resource",
"abstract" : false,
"type" : "AuditEvent",
"baseDefinition" : "",
"derivation" : "constraint",
"differential" : {
"element" : [
"id" : "AuditEvent.type",
"path" : "AuditEvent.type",
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "AuditEvent.subtype",
"path" : "AuditEvent.subtype",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.action",
"path" : "AuditEvent.action",
"short" : "Type of action performed during the event. CREATE: C | READ: R | UPDATE: U | DELETE: D | EXECUTE: E",
"definition" : "Type of action performed during the event. CREATE: C | READ: R | UPDATE: U | DELETE: D | EXECUTE: E",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.period",
"path" : "AuditEvent.period",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.recorded",
"path" : "AuditEvent.recorded",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.outcome",
"path" : "AuditEvent.outcome",
"short" : "success: 0; failure: 4; major failure: 12",
"definition" : "success: 0; failure: 4; major failure: 12",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.outcomeDesc",
"path" : "AuditEvent.outcomeDesc",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.purposeOfEvent",
"path" : "AuditEvent.purposeOfEvent",
"mustSupport" : true,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "pattern",
"path" : "type"
"rules" : "open"
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent",
"sliceName" : "user",
"short" : "The agent user refers to the service provider (LE) or the service provider institution (LEI)",
"definition" : "The agent user refers to the service provider (LE) or the service provider institution (LEI)",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.extension:healthcareFacilityType",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.extension",
"sliceName" : "healthcareFacilityType",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "Extension",
"profile" : [
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.type",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.type",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.role",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.role",
"short" : "Professional role of the service provider",
"definition" : "Professional role of the service provider",
"mustSupport" : true,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.role.coding",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.role.coding",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.role.coding.system",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.role.coding.system",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.role.coding.code",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.role.coding.code",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.role.coding.display",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.role.coding.display",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.who",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.who",
"short" : "The subject Id of the IDToken",
"definition" : "The subject Id of the IDToken",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.who.identifier",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.who.identifier",
"min" : 1,
"type" : [
"code" : "Identifier",
"profile" : [
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.altId",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.altId",
"short" : "Alternative User identity (e.g. Telematik-ID or the KVNR)",
"definition" : "Alternative User identity (e.g. Telematik-ID or the KVNR)",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"short" : "Name of HCP or Insurant",
"definition" : "Name of HCP or Insurant, in case of EU-access provide the name of the practitioner and the organization separated by a '/' ",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.requestor",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.requestor",
"fixedBoolean" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.location",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.location",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:user.policy",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.policy",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent",
"sliceName" : "client",
"short" : "The agent client refers to a software system that has executed the action, for example, E-Rezept Fachdienst",
"definition" : "The agent client refers to a software system that has executed the action, for example, E-Rezept Fachdienst",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client.type",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.type",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client.role",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.role",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client.who",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.who",
"short" : "The subject Id of the IDToken",
"definition" : "The subject Id of the IDToken",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client.who.identifier",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.who.identifier",
"min" : 1,
"type" : [
"code" : "Identifier",
"profile" : [
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client.altId",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.altId",
"short" : "Alternative client identity (e.g. Telematik-ID))",
"definition" : "Alternative client identity (e.g. Telematik-ID)",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"short" : "Name e.g. eRezept, EU access/country name or DiGA",
"definition" : "Name of a service e.g. eRezept, EU access/country name or DiGA",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client.requestor",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.requestor",
"fixedBoolean" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client.location",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.location",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:client.policy",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.policy",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:internal",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent",
"sliceName" : "internal",
"short" : "The agent internal refers to internal actions of the Elektronische Patientenakte Fachdienst (ePA) service, such as data export submissions",
"definition" : "The agent internal refers to internal actions of the Elektronische Patientenakte Fachdienst (ePA) service, such as data export submissions",
"min" : 0,
"max" : "1",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:internal.type",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.type",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:internal.role",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.role",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:internal.altId",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.altId",
"short" : "altId MUST be epa",
"definition" : "altId MUST be epa",
"fixedString" : "epa",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"short" : "Name MUST be ePA",
"definition" : "Name MUST be ePA",
"min" : 1,
"fixedString" : "ePA",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:internal.requestor",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.requestor",
"fixedBoolean" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:internal.location",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.location",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.agent:internal.policy",
"path" : "AuditEvent.agent.policy",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.source",
"path" : "AuditEvent.source",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"fixedString" : "Elektronische Patientenakte Fachdienst"
"id" : "AuditEvent.source.type",
"path" : "AuditEvent.source.type",
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1",
"mustSupport" : true,
"binding" : {
"strength" : "required",
"valueSet" : ""
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity",
"min" : 1,
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.what",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.what",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.type",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.type",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.role",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.role",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.lifecycle",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.lifecycle",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.securityLabel",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.securityLabel",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "",
"path" : "",
"short" : "The title of the XDS document, FHIR resource or object name of a service (e.g. Entitlement Service, Device Management, ...).",
"definition" : "The title of the XDS document, FHIR resource or object name of a service (e.g. Entitlement Service, Device Management, ...).",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.description",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.description",
"short" : "The OperationId",
"definition" : "The OperationId",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.query",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.query",
"max" : "0"
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.detail",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.detail",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.detail.type",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.detail.type",
"short" : "The Name of the property (e.g. Document Format, DocumentID, ...).",
"definition" : "The Name of the property (e.g. Document Format, DocumentID, ...).",
"mustSupport" : true
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.detail.value[x]",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.detail.value[x]",
"slicing" : {
"discriminator" : [
"type" : "type",
"path" : "$this"
"ordered" : false,
"rules" : "open"
"id" : "AuditEvent.entity.detail.value[x]:valueString",
"path" : "AuditEvent.entity.detail.value[x]",
"sliceName" : "valueString",
"short" : "Property value (e.g. urn:gematik:ig:Zahnbonusheft:v1.1.0)",
"definition" : "Property value (e.g. urn:gematik:ig:Zahnbonusheft:v1.1.0)",
"min" : 1,
"max" : "1",
"type" : [
"code" : "string"
"mustSupport" : true
"text" : {
XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.